
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Court Theatre Show- Travel of the Gods

Today, me and my class went to the year 7-8 hub to see travel of the gods. It was 100% awesome and funny! I laughed so hard that I can't breath! I laughed at the part that he pretended to be a: chicken, giraffe, and guinea pig!😄 I liked the part when Maui defeated the eal and the other thing I have 50/50 chance of thinking the eal's body turned into a coconut tree! Maui got the magic fish hook... and with that, he can defeat the eal. I really like the show!!👍

Friday, August 16, 2019

Winter sports

In winter sport this season, I played football and we played for 4 weeks on a Thursday. In the first week, we got 1-0 but they scored a HOME GOAL!

The second time the school that we are versing got defaulted. The third week we played but St Marks got 4-2 so we lost but I still think it's a good game! The forth week we lost as well but the other school got 2-1.

I think my level is 3. I actually had a lot of fun to join soccer and the good thing is, there was no rain! I might play soccer again or rugby!
What do you think of winter sports?