For week's 6 to 9 my hub are doing a novel study and each week we would get a different task to do. To be honest this one was hard like difficulty hard but I still got it done. I don't know why it took me so long for me to finish my work I just had a lot of other stuff to do. Any ways here is my work.
I was a pupil at St Francis of Assisi School and this blog is where I shared my learning.This blog has been archived, no further content will be uploaded or added. You are welcome to continue viewing posts, however commenting has been disabled.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Friday, September 18, 2020
Reading T3 W9
Here is the task.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Maths T3 W8
Hi! Welcome back to another post today and i will be talking about my maths with you. So for Maths this week we got given 4 or 5 questions and we had to solve with a Maths buddy. We had one create task to get the task done. When we finish the questions you and you're buddy share it in front of the whole group. When you share your Maths 1 person writes the question down and the other one is explaining. We needed to solve decimals and/or fraction. Sorry I don't have a photo of it but I'll do another blog to let you guys know when I get the picture/photo.
Do you like maths?
Writing T3 W8
This week for writing we needed to make an infographic about one of the 4 goals and I did my one on world hunger. You might remember back in term 2 we also needed to make a infographic about something. Like last time I used canva to make my infographic. So here is my infographic about zero hunger.
Did you know these stuff? If you did, write in the comments!
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Artemis Fowl
For Reading this week we Are still reading our novel this is my task for this week:
Have you ever read Artemis Fowl? (Pls comment(to tell me))
How to be a good math mate
In our math workshops we have been trying to answer the question 'How can we be a good math mate?' but before I get into that I should talk about what a math mate is. So basically in our math workshops we have been learning about math mates, a math mate is a person you get paired up with to complete the math questions for the week. I also think it's a team effort, that both people should be playing their part in the math tasks. The two math mates has to have the exact same thing in their math book. Now that we have stated what a math mate is now we will find out what a good math mate is. I think a good math mate is a team that works together to complete the task they also have a stable understanding of what the task is. I also think that a math mate is a reliable work that always can lend a helping to those who need it. They also play their part in the questions.
What have you experiences been with a math mate? have they been good or not?
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Math DLO blog
Hello reader again, today I will be talking to you about my Math DLO, and also what it means to be a good Math buddy. So for my math DLO, I just have to answer the question in this blog. To be a good math mate, you work efficiently with your math buddy to answer the questions and equations correctly and you respect your buddy and be kind too. For the math workshops, I just had to answer the equations organized by the teacher, so that's what is happening with my math workshop. That is all for now, see you later.
Friday, August 28, 2020
I read a book called Artemis fowls and I will be sharing you with my work.
In the first book, Artemis Fowl, twelve-year-old genius Artemis Fowl kidnaps Holly Short, a Fairy and a captain of the Lower Elements Police Reconnaissance force (LEPRecon). He holds her for a ransom of gold to exploit the magical Fairy People and restore his family's fortune. In the sequel, Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident, he reluctantly allies with the People to rescue his father from the Russian mafia. The series introduces Artemis as a villain and the Fairies' enemy, but as the series progresses, Artemis's character develops and changes; as an antihero, he assists the People in resolving conflicts with worldwide ramifications. The original series concluded with Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian.
Artemis Fowl is the first book in the Artemis Fowl series. It follows the adventures of Artemis Fowl, a 12 year-old criminal mastermind, as he kidnaps a fairy for a large ransom of gold with the help of his bodyguard, Domovoi Butler, and his younger sister, Juliet Butler, to restore the Fowl family fortune. After multiple attempts by the Lower Elements Police (LEP) fairy police, including sending a criminal dwarf called Mulch Diggums, it concludes with Artemis finally releasing Holly Short, the elf fairy, whom he kidnapped, and having his mother cured of madness (in exchange for half of the gold that he had stolen from the fairies).
Here is the slide
Friday, August 21, 2020
Cybersmart W5
This week for Cyber smart we were learning about what make a great blog comment. We use a site called bite able. Here is video on how to make a blog comment. Here is the link to Biteable (website). I hope you enjoy it!
Have you heard of Biteable before?
Thursday, August 20, 2020
R.E (Pentecost)
Hi! I did a Pentecost (sort of) animation about Jesus going back to heaven with the Father you know. I did it all by myself with (nearly) no help:) Here is the work I've done... Surprise, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise, SURPRISE!!! Wahoo!!!
Bit short i know, but it's still in WIP (Work In Progress) ^-^ Thank you! PS. So sorry for the short animation, PPS. I hope you like it! (PLS comment)
Cybersmart W4
So last week or cyber smart with have been learning how to write a good and quality comment. So for Cybersmart we have been taught to write a nice and positive comment for the people were writing the blog. They said if you write a negative comment you'll get it banned and have a talk about why you did it. and if you write a positive blog it will stay on the post and the person who wrote the post might write a nice comment back.
Cybersmart W2/3
So for Cybersmart these past 2 weeks we have been learning to be safe online. So for the task we have to go with a buddy and look at some some mean comments and see how you would respond. For the task there was 3 different stages Beginner, Stepping up and Confident. I chose Stepping up because i didn't think that i needed a heap of help and i chose stepping up because thats just where im at now.Pretty cool, huh? Bye
Math W5
Hi! This week on maths, we did a thing. The "thing" I was talking about was the question me and my partner, William I did on the what you call "munching monarchs". Me and my buddy (do you who it is) did question number 1 to 3. Now, now, now, here is what we call a growth mindset and you know I like growth mindset and it makes you learn and stuff. Anyway, here is the link to the wow wow wow growth mindset. HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!! Bye! (PLS comment)
Math T3 W4
Hi, this week's goal for maths is to use multiplication and division strategies to compare fraction sizes with whole numbers.We have to work with or pick a (what we call) mathmate. Usually groups are only allowed 2, but my group worked as a three. (you see what I'm doing, right)?Anyways, we were doing hard but interesting fractions (i think I need a little more help on that) and a little bit of Mult/Div in there. Bye! (Pls comment)
Reading T3 W5
Hi, today I am going to tell you what I did for my reading this week. Firstly, we went to the workshop to find out what we were doing we had to make a recording or something that we could make a conversation my buddy was George L and we did a screen castify and once we finished we had to share it with are group a blog about them.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
KP1 Writing (Mr Hublot)
Hi, I was doing mr hublot for my writing this week and it was about a robot that saved a little robot dog. here is the link to my AMAZING WORK!!!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Writing T3 W3
Hi, this week for writing I did zero hunger and we have to write some: Rhetorical Questions, Stats, Problems and Solution. We had to read a text to write what we learned. Here is my link to my work.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Reading T3 W3
Writing T3 W3
Monday, August 3, 2020
Writing T3 W2
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Maths T2 W1
I would really, really, really (really, really, really) like it if you comment!!!
Thanks so, so, so much!
Maths T3 W2
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Reading T3 W2
Friday, July 24, 2020
Writing T2 W10
Hi (and welcome), for writing this term we have been doing the hard hitting statistics (hmm, sounds interesting, doesn't it?) I am doing ZERO HUNGER for my speech and here is the link to the information. Here is my FAVOURITE (i hope you don't get TOO excited because it is exciting... Wait, that doesn't make sense!) part of my writing↴
"Did you know that there are 795 million people that are hungry in the world today, and that by 2050, that number is expected to reach 2 billion. After decades of steady decline, the number of people who suffer from hunger as measured by the prevalence of undernourishment began to slowly increase again in 2015. Current estimates show that nearly 690 million people are hungry, or 8.9 percent of the world population, up by 10 million people in one year and by nearly 60 million in five years and, yeah."
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Reading T3 W1
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Maori Conversations
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Writing T3 W2
Reading T2 W4
Friday, June 26, 2020
Narrative Writing Rubric
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Maths T2 W11
Reading T2 W11
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Random Maths Strategies
Reversibility and Place Value
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Reading T2 W10
I hope you like it! Tell me in the comments below! Goodbye.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
KP1 Writing - Piper
Friday, June 12, 2020
Plurals & Suffixes
Charles Upham Reading Task
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Writing T2 W9 - Lost & Found
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Mary, Mother and Model Disciple
I hope you enjoy my Mary, Mother and Model Disciples work!
Thursday, May 28, 2020
La Luna Story - Writing Task
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Rounding and compensating
Hope you enjoy it!
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Hope you like it! Be sure to check out my next blog!
Do you like dinosaurs?
Reading task
Here is the Link to my Return Of The Moa template.
What's your favorite bird?
Reading Term 2 Week 5
Link to my template.
Hope you enjoy it!
Have you been to Syria or Iraq or have you got a friend from over there?
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
321 Reading Task
3 stands for 3 facts you found out.
2 stands for 2 interesting facts.
1 stands for 1 new question or idea you now have after reading the text.
Here is the LINK to my 321 task
What's your favorite bird/animal?
Narrative Writing
Here is a Link to my Narrative Writing story
I hope you like my story and blog!
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Maths (Standard Written Form)
Standard Written Forms are really easy and fun at the same time! The reason I like Standard Written Form is that you don't have to do a lot of writing and all you do is just know your additions and subtractions so it's very easy for me but of course not all of you! We have to do 6 questions, 3 of them was a 4 digit number which is obviously in the thousands place and the other 3 was decimals. Decimals does seem hard, but when you do it for real, you'll find it really easy. I like maths but on a scale from 1 to 10, I'm about 7.
Here's the 6 questions I did
What's your favorite strategy to use? Do you like maths?
Tell me in the comments below! Be sure to read my next blog!
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
What is it?
1. I can cover sunlight
2. I can cover your room with darkness
3. I start with C
1. I can move
2. I have for wheels
3. You can control me
4. You can't ride on me
Did you guess them?
Tell me what you got in the comments below!
Drawing with Jamie Smart
I'm going to tell you a bit more about Bop. Bop is very strong. He can even lift a elephant! Bop is not sleepy or lazy like Mip. He is usually the first to get up in the morning and second to go to sleep (Pip is the first to go to sleep). I really like Bop because he's strong and clever but not as clever as Pip. Once Bop saved a star from falling down onto the ground!!! I also like him because he also can climb up slippery walls without any help by his friends which is surprising!!!
So, here's my drawing of Bop
Bop likes to jump up and down as well! I hope you enjoyed my drawing!
Do you like Jamie smart? Who's your favorite character in "Pip Lop Mip Bop"?
Monday, April 13, 2020
My Easter house
We printed out some Easter eggs and then we used felt tip pens to color them in different colors. We also did Poke ball shape eggs with the Poke ball designs on it. I put the ones I like best in my room and the others in the living room, bedrooms (not mine), windows, doors, garage, closets, ceilings and on my guitar!!! We cutted out 39 eggs and 3 Pikacus. When we were decorating, I found some chocolate eggs under my bed which is great!
After we decorated our house, we had a big family Easter lunch together in our backyard. We set up a table on the grass so it's not so slippery like on our concrete because dad just finished washing the car so the concrete is all wet! After that, I was so full that I have to lie on the sofa for 10 minutes! Everyone was exhausted and very sleepy. I wasn't... I was just a little full!!!
I had so much fun decorating the house and having a Easter lunch as a family.
Have you been decorating the house with Easter eggs or anything that's about Easter? What kind of Easter crafts did you put in your house there? Tell me in the comments below!
Sunday, April 12, 2020
A Easter hunt I've been on
I had a Easter hunt this year and I had lots of fun. So here's what happened. I was so excited for Easter and mum hid all the eggs and all my family was trying to find them. Mum hid them in the bushes and in trees in our front yard and backyard! My back and front yard are huge so it's pretty hard to find and my mum most of the eggs in the places I don't really know! My mum said whoever is first, they get a Picnic and a Kit Kat bar! That was awesome!
I was trying very hard for those two chocolate bars! But at last, I found most of the eggs and so far I've got a rainbow colored ones, golden ones and silver ones. Mum hid 35 eggs an I found 17 eggs which is a very big achievement for me. My dad got 13 which is the number of eggs I got last year and my dad did it the first time so it's very good. My two grandmas got 5 which is a big achievement for them because last year, they only got 3 (they get the same amount because they work together). My two grandpas got 2 each (not bad for them). Mum was watching us find them!!! This year I think is a fun Easter hunt with my family. I was very happy when I got the most eggs because I won a chocolate bar from our house.
I had loads of fun doing a Easter hunt with my family.
How many Easter eggs have you found? Tell me in the comments below! Goodbye.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Drawing with Jamie Smart
First I'm going to tell you a little more about the author. So, his name is Jamie Smart and he writes lots and lots of books but I'm just going to tell you 5. They are: Pip Lop Mip Bop, Bunny VS Monkey, Find Chaffy, Looshkin, and Flember The Secret Book. Jamie Smart only writes comics and children's books which means no chapter books! I love chapter books and comic books but of course, not all chapter books, just some of them. I'm now going to tell you a little bit about "Pip Lop Mip Bop". I'm only going to tell you about Pip because I don't know about the others. Pip is a bunny and he is so clever that he saves his friends from getting into trouble and speaking up for his friends! He's so clever. My favorite author is Jeff Kinney and Liz Pichon.
Now I would tell you what I drew with Jamie Smart from Pip Lop Mip Bop.
Here is the drawing, can you guess who it is?
If you guessed Pip, your right! Great job!
I hope you enjoyed my drawing!
Who's your favorite author? Why did you pick that author?
Friday, April 10, 2020
Animals who lay eggs
Here is all the animals that lay eggs:
1. Every single bird
2. Dinosaurs
3. Lizards
4. Toads and frogs
5. All fishes lay eggs
6. Rays
7. Sharks
8. Snakes
9. Spiders
10. Insects
11. Crocodile
Egg laying animals are called oviparous.
For animals that doesn't lay eggs is called a viviparous
No birds are mammals.
Not all insects lay eggs
Sharks lay eggs
Bats are mammals
No mammals can fly except for bats
Did I miss any animals above? If I did, tell me in the comments below!
Thursday, April 9, 2020
What I'm curious about
1. What does Mars look like?
2. Are there dinosaurs that's still existing?
3. How did people figure out how to build LEGO?
4. How is money made?
5. How much planets are there in space?
6. Is there such thing as a sea monster?
I'm going to pick one and tell you how I'm going to find the information I need. Here it is: Are there dinosaurs that's still existing? Maybe I'll be a scientist when I grow up and learn all about dinosaurs and knowing if they still exist. And if they do exist, I'll find out what kind of dinosaurs are on earth and what they eat, do and where they live. I'm also going to figure out if they are herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.
I like dinosaurs but the thing is, I don't really know about dinosaurs that much but if I'll be a scientist one day, I'll know almost everything about dinosaurs and what they like. I'll use their fossil to investigate them and if I'm lucky, I might even go to the place where they live and find one of them (only if they exist on earth).
What things are you curious about? What will you do to find out the answer?
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Zoos:Good or Bad?
People can see what animals are doing and sometimes seeing rare animals that you maybe never know about! In zoos, you can watch animals do something surprising or something unusual unlike in the wild, they hide away from people and other things that they think that's going to hurt them.
The other good thing about the zoo is that it helps endangered species for example like: tigers, rhinos, elephants, gorillas, water buffalos, vaquitas, etc. Zoos also use SSPs as research tools to better understand wildlife biology and population dynamics.
Facts you may have not heard
1. There are only 8 vaquitas left on earth.
2. There are only 100-130 white tigers on earth.
3. Elephants eat between 149 and 169 kg per day.
4. There are only 1,114 giant pandas on earth.
5. Six species saved from extinction by zoos.
Do you think zoos are good for animals?
What's your favorite animal?
Tell me in the comments below!
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
My favourite board game
Connect 4 makes you creative and they also make you great and creative thinkers because you need to think while you do it for example: you might be thinking "will that person block me?" or "where will I put this to connect four?"
You should also think earlier and all-sided before you put it in because if you don't think earlier or all-sided, you might lose the game or maybe no one will win! If you think early or think all-sided, I have a 90% chance that you will win the game.
Playing this board game can cultivate your patience. When you play, you can't be too loud because you can't concentrate well or think well so you probably have a 50/50 chance of winning and not a 90% chance of winning!
Foster friendship between you and your mate/family. You could understand each other and following the rules to make the game more fair and fun. Then you can spend wonderful time with your friends and family.
What I like about connect 4 is that it makes you feel relaxed and fun! I would recommend this game to anyone that's a huge fan to Connect 4.
What's your favorite board game and why do you like it?
Tell me in the comments below! I would love to hear it!
Monday, April 6, 2020
Poem about a picture
Title: Rainbows End
Here is the poem:
A sunny Autumn day,
there is no rain for the whole day,
it was a cool day,
me and my dad thought it's going to be awesome.
We're going to Rainbows End,
we went in Rainbows End and it looks interesting,
we got on the bumper boats,
we went on a log that's on water,
we went on a train-like thing that goes over a short mountain,
we got on a moving but fake car,
me and my dad went on a fast but fake racing car.
me and my dad had three chocolate chip cookies and a can of L&P for lunch,
we went into a maze after lunch,
we took photos of me with people in Rainbows End dressed in costumes,
I had lots of fun and it's a wonderful day.
What's your poem about and why did you choose it?
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Scavenger Hunt
Friday, April 3, 2020
About how many stars in space? Answer 1: There are about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in space, or about 10 raised to the 21 power, roughly
Are stars bigger than the earth?
Yes. Normal stars are range to the size of Jupiter (about 10 times the radius of the Earth) through stars like our Sun (100 times the radius of the Earth) to the most massive stars (maybe 700 times the radius of the Earth). Dying stars tend to puff up.
Facts about Ceres
From an average distance of 257 million miles (413 million kilometers), Ceres is 2.8 astronomical units away from the Sun. One astronomical unit s the distance from the sun to the earth. My favorite planet is Neptune, what's yours?
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Living On the Moon
Biography about Tufted deer
Tufted deers are mammals that live in forested mountainous areas in China, Tibet, and Myanmar in Asia. The tufted deer commonly exists at high altitudes and occasionally in rain forests.
Physical Description
The most prominent feature of the tufted deer is its fang-like canines that only exists on the male species and can grow up to 2 feet high. Tufted deer lack the upper incisors and instead they have a hard pad that is used during chewing vegetation. The tufted deer is characterized by its long neck and legs which distinguish it from the muntjac species. It measures approximately 50-70 centimeter long. It weighs varies from 17-30 kilograms. Their tails usually are short measuring about 10 centimeters while the forehead contains black/brown hair that is horseshoe-shaped. The male species are slightly larger than the females, giving the reasons as to why the male tufted deer protects the pathways that these species pass through.
Food Habits
The tufted deer feed on leaves, twigs, grass, fruits and other kinds of plants. They are classified as browsers and grazers. Tufted deer press the lower incisors against the upper pad while feeding on the vegetation.
The tufted deer are mostly found existing in solitary and sometimes in pairs. In addition, they travel in fixed routes in their habitats, which are always protected by the male deer. Tufted deer is described as a shy animal, and that is why it prefers staying in places that are well covered, where it is well adapted to the surrounding environment so they are not easily spotted. Since the tufted deer are ordinarily shy during the daytime, they tend to be more active at night! Once this animal is disturbed, it barks out loudly as a sign of warning/alarming the others. It then flees by jumping like a cat. Tufted deer often fight for mates and territory, using their sharp canines as their primary weapon.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Which country invented ice-cream? China. They started eating ice-cream since 618-97AD!!! My favorite toppings are wafers, sprinkles, chocolate sauce and strawberry sauce! Writing down the words really makes me want to eat it right now!! Who invented Tip Top? Albert Hayman. Have you had Ice-cream Charlie? It's outside Victoria Square in town. It's real name is called Vanilla Ices!
My least favorite is: Mint, Jelly & Vanilla and Raspberry flavor.
What's your favorite ice-cream flavor? What's your favorite topping?
Biography about Sauroposeidon
Fossils have been found in Oklahoma, Wyoming and Texas.
Weighed as much as 10 elephants
As high as a 6 story building
Was 10 car lengths long
Its neck length was 40 feet long
It has 110 teeth in total (50 on top and 60 on the bottom)
Their brain was a size of a tennis ball
They were related to the more famous Brachiosaurus
Sauroposeidon are herbivores
Here is a picture of it:

I love dinosaurs, my favorite dinosaurs are: Apatosaurus, Carnotaurus, Megalosaurus, Baryonyx, Carcharodontosaurus, Majungasaurus and T.rex (did you know that the T.rex was the most fierce dinosaur in the world? Whats your favorite?)
The time I met a Deinocheirus
But today when I wake up, it's sunny and I realised that I can open the windows because it's nice and warm. When I opened the window, a Deinocheirus in my backyard. The dinosaur's name is: Deinocheirus and his colour is: brownish grey and his height is: 4.9m high and his weight is 6.4 tonnes.
The reason the dinosaur ended up in our backyard was because it got lost in the rain. This dinosaur is an omnivore so it eats plants, grass vegetables and it eats meat. We have no meat to give him, so we just gave him vegetables from our garden. After he eating, he nodded his head. Shame we don't have a house for him! I told him this: "Do you want to find your family?" Then he nodded yes. So I said to him again: "Do you live in a forest?" He nodded yes again. So I told him the directions and I said: "Good bye! Good luck finding you family!" He waved and he walk slowly out of the driveway. "Bye! See ya!" I said.
A Ice-cream I Invented: Mango Trail Mix Ice-cream
I recommend the Ice-cream to the world because it has obvious advantage. This type ice-cream is very different with the normal ones which they sell in supermarkets and dairys. The first merit is that this ice-cream suits kids and and adults because they are different to regular there is only 2% of sugar so it won't damage their teeth.
The design is just modern and the ice-cream colour will be golden so it'll look a little shiny. The details on Darth Vader and Yoda, I'm not going to put it on.
It is going to be easy to handle because the cone has a handle thing that you can hold and eat!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
What the Lockdown is like
Outside, it feels different for me because there's no party going on and the streets are quiet and there are basically no cars or trucks around! People are not working and schools are closed. So no one is coming out because of the Lockdown. The last two days were raining and we can't get out for some exercise.
What I did
In my house, I did pretty much nothing but I did do a lot of biking in my big back an front yard. At home, I can only watch TV, play LEGO and read books. I did have fun for a while but that didn't really last long. I did play guitar. I can play Rock You by the band Queen, Whatever it takes by Imagine Dragons, and Believer by Imagine Dragons on guitar and on piano, I can play everyday, but most of the time I was just resting. I also did blogging which is fun and we ate pizza the other day! The flavor I had was Pepperoni, Cheese and Ham & Cheese, It was delicious! I did board games and I did scootering. So I had fun but some of it wasn't fun.
How to protect yourself
Always 6 feet away or 2 metres away from people and if your unwell or if you have a flu, don't go to the supermarket! It will be boring staying at home and can't meet relatives, but, you can always text and Skype, right?
Monday, March 30, 2020
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Double Down
The Imaginary Superhero I Visited
Now I'll talk about superheros. So, The first place I visited was a town called Mokau. It was near the beach so I thought I'd take a relaxing day at the beach. I was planning about how long would I stay at the beach. So I thought 3 hours in the morning, 3 hours in the afternoon and 2 hours in the evening would be fine. But I was wrong!!! A huge tsunami arose and I was screaming: "AHHHHHHHHH! HELP!!!". Luckily, a superhero came and that superhero has force so he made the Tsunami go backwards instead of going forwards so he saved all of our lives!!! After that I ran up to him and said: "Thanks for saving my life, superhero!". Then the superhero said: "My name is not superhero, my name is Force Man!". I said: "Oops! My bad!".... He kindly said: "It's ok.", Then he whispered: "I don't tell my name to other people that much so yeah.". I replied: "Oh, ok then! And one more thing, you should be a inventor!". He said: "I already am! I'm a inventor, doctor and a veterinarian!".
After that, the beach is so safe that there was no waves (not even a lump). So, what I did was picking up shells, flat stones so I can make them bounce on the water (It did 3 bounces) and I had Ice-cream. I had the flavor called Cookies n Cream. I also had a drink which is Lemon and Paeroa (L&P). It was Awesome!
I believe that the superhero will invent something helpful for the world and do amazing and surprising miracles one day! And I believe that he will save a lot of sick people and hurt pets (as a doctor and a veterinarian).